Price University Fayetteville (C2C)

Administrative Action Request

Your Support Hub

Making the decision to become one of God’s best and brightest leaders of the future, starts here and now. We are so excited that you are choosing to pursue a higher education degree with Price University.

Administrative Action Request

Administrative action Request

This form is designed to facilitate affiliate campus requests for administrative actions that need to be completed by the main campus.

You will be redirected to the full form which will capture the details of your request.

Call us at 833-537-8477

Final Grade Dispute

Final Grade Dispute

Step 1: Consultation with Faculty Member

A student with an academic grievance against a faculty member shall first meet with the faculty member and present the grievance, verbally or in writing. Both the student and the faculty members shall make a “good faith” effort to resolve the grievance amicably and informally.

Most cases should be resolved at this level. Proof of effort showing steps taken and failed attempts should be documented for a grievance to qualify for escalation.

See Full Policy Before Proceeding

You will be redirected to the full form which will capture the details of your request.

Call us at 877-595-9117

Program Transfer

 Follow Up

Program Transfer: Follow Up

Fill out this form to progress in the program transfer process.

You will be redirected to the full form which will capture the details of your request.

We're here to help.
Call us at 833-537-8477



Change RequestE

Program TransferE

Program CompletionE

Final Grade DisputeE

Student ComplaintE

Graduation ApplicationE


Classroom SupportE

Student SupportE

Academic Review E

Readiness CoachingE

Student InquiryE

Terms of Service

Tuition PolicyE

Course PolicyE

Enrollment PolicyE

Grade Dispute PolicyE

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